Monday, January 30, 2006

And now we move in panic mode, sorta

So I am in the zone today...moving crap, sorting crap, sorta...and realizing I can't move a bed by myself and 40% of my crap out of 100% is not enough progress...I need help.

I am ashamed to need help. Hell, I am ashamed that it's been a month and I still don't have stuff nicely sorted in I invite Michael Paul, Michelle, Melissa, and Kwesi to come to my aid. It's 6:43 pm and I am on my way to pick up Michael Paul and the truck to move the bed.

Michelle is bringing Popeye's fried chicken, and Melissa is bringing over some other yumminess...I will have 10 hands to my 2. This means I will have 5 times more progress than I have right now.

THat will help me BIG TIME. I have mostly clothes and papers to shove into bags and get the hell over to Oakland. My room is about 25% smaller there, which means I have to use the attic space...which requires some lifting. Yay buddy.

Here we go...because Erika meets her deadlines, come hell or high water...and by golly I will be out by 11:59 pm on January 31st if I have to, but I will be out of my 'meda place on time, dagnabit!

Thanks to my Ego for relinquishing and thinking of asking for help.
Thanks to my friends for answering the call at the 8:30th hour. It'll make the 11th hour SO MUCH SMOOTHER!

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