Wednesday, March 29, 2006

DJ Project, Podcasting. Uthtv

Meet our media makers, they're 10 - 24.

Let's realize that our young colleagues have grown up in an age with all manner of media availble to them. Mobile phones, TiVo, Internet, Cable, Video Cameras, Digital Cameras, Video Games, and iPods are technologies that are familiar.

Musically, culturally, and politically they have never known a time without hip-hop or electronica.

Last night at the Zeum I attended a Net2squared event introducing podcasting and youth media.

Apple, The DJ Project, and Compumentor represented. HARD.

The presenters were mainly young and men of color.

The audience was probably mostly 30+, white, and male. A few digi-girls were present. And a lot of folks in youth work who wanted to get a gist of what these kids were doing so they could offer it.

Frankly, that's why I was there. I wanted to see how feasible it is to create a podcast for the young women I work with.

Seems pretty doable. Everything from Creative Commons to Flashkit seems to offer sound clips that you don't have to pay for. If you have a mic and something to say or sing, you have content.

We were introduced to some really simple podcasting tools:

  • Odeo allows one to actually RECORD and publish your podcast in the browser. Pretty sweet. It's cross platform compatible.
  • Ipodder is another one I came across.

The publishing of one's material seems SUPERaccessible, which is great. Directories of podcasts seem to be everywhere, just check out the Itunes store.

I will be taking a class this weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erica
there's a special section on podcasting on NetSquared this week.

Please keep us posted on your work!