Tuesday, March 14, 2006

full moon and zorastrian fire

it was a wet tuesday.

but the rain was sporadic.

as if the gods and goddesses were fighting over the faucet it would downpour and then stop, allowing for the sky to return to its natural blue state and then moments later it would pour.

different women coming into my office would either be drenched or chilled, depending on how fate rolled the dice.


today's adventures consisted of doing more web work, research about the drupal/civic space technologies, and playing a scratchy violin.

she is out of tune, but i also feel i am over-rosining the bow. my stroke seems off.

but i did pizzicato practice and that sounded better. i experimented with short strokes along with some charanga just for kicks today. what i lost in being in tune, i gained with with playing loudly and in tempo.

in my mind, i was on stage with a great salsa/son orquestra. que bien!

leaving work i ran to catch a #9. buses are not plentiful in the rain. i ran and breathed in heavy, wet, cold air.
spikes stuck into my lungs from the cold. it was FAR from comfortable. but i made the bus. and that's step one.

i was about an hour late to meet the berkeley crew. we assembled at houman's initiative for the pre-no rooz log jumping.

i've been looking forward to this for the past year. michelle, houman and i had a non-sleepover sleepover at this event.
we discovered the "poochie" and marveled at the three little fires we lept over.

three little fires to cleanse ones soul. to bring one strength.

tonight was a full moon, and after the final bout of sheets pouring from the sky, the clear sky revealed a glowing, slightly blue pearl.

it shone over a mass of people in celebration mode.

and we stood among them, our makeshift family of friends, not having much to bind us in the way of genetics, but after all of us lept over the fire...giving our pallor and getting our strength (i think that's the rough translation of the farsi) we group hugged. we chanted a premature "Happy New Year" but the laughter and the body warmth there was pure comradery. total goodness.

and to celebrate, we nixed the Zachary's idea for the traditional post-Persian celebratory Vietnamese meal...I'll let Houman explain that one.

dinner conversation went from Tom Tom to apples wrapped in foil.

goodness! good times!

welcome anita to the circle of friends! hope you didn't get home too late!

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