Thursday, April 13, 2006

Erika's First Power Bill - EVER

Erika is a 33 year old woman living in Oakland.

She has recently comandeered her first studio apartment and, consequently, her first power bill in her name.

This is the way to build her credit rating and a slow start to owning her own home before she reaches "retirement" (a myth she thinks exists for those who save enough to support them after other organizations cease to find benefit in employing them).

She is excited.

The amount of her first bill for power usage is $26.96.

Her dates of usage are: 4/2 - 4/7, 2006.
Broken out, the bill covers the following:

Power Generation = $0.11
Transmission = $0.09
Distribution = $0.63
Public Purpose Programs = $0.02
Trust Transfer Amount = $0.01
DWR Bond Charge = $0.01
Ongoing CTC = $0.01
Energy Cost Recovery Amount = $0.01
Utility Users' Tax = $0.07


Deposit = $26.00

How sweet is that?

I was worried that PG&E might be the bankrupcy of me, but it seems that unplugging the passive stuff (things that don't need to be on all the time!) really does work and not spending a lot of time at the homestead also keeps power usage to a minimum.

I have my first step toward economic independence right here!


What are your first utility bill stories?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do friends of PGE employees get a discount? Not that it matters to me in Arizona - APS territory.

E - As for internet, look at all your options for DSL. Comcast digital cable internet is really expensive.