Monday, May 7, 2007

I'm Sad

This weekend I got to hang out with friends, if ever so briefly, and realized that our lives have changed.

We never get to hang out in the same way because we're married or have children, or are scattered geographically.

And I also realize that I am resentful of such change.

Big time.

I am so thankful to have these email relations with people that I have as of late because I sure as heck don't see people anymore.

I'm buried in work and running these days.

I didn't even get to see my boyfriend the webcrawler this weekend...cause I was just too tired.


I did get to see an amazing moon on Saturday night after social event no. 2.

Perhaps I was overwhelmed by trying to make two events in an evening.

I'm slowing down in my old age. I remember when hitting 5 spots in a day was nothing.

Now I'm slowing down and enjoy spending time by myself in my house and it almost seems like work to leave my little next.

What am I coming to?


Anonymous said...

E- I'm glad I got to see you and I hope your run went well. You are real inspiration!! :) Ameena

wrki said...

R - For realz!

A - I didn't do my 8 miler, but I am in NYC and this Sat. am supposed to do 10 mi. Central Park I think is where it's going to happen! =)))